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Our Difference In Expertise & Project Management

dynamic structure.
Each project team is tailored to the needs of the project, ensuring that we deliver the most efficient, effective combination of expertise and project management.

generative, big-picture thinking.
Our company culture demands continual improvement; our team is wired to bring new ideas to the table and stay ahead of the curve in a rapidly changing industry.

deep technical knowledge.
SBP has an exceptionally qualified team with extensive green building and energy efficiency experience, capable of highly technical engineering analysis and end-to-end solutions.

collaborative workflow.
SBP works organically and efficiently with developers and owners, engineers and architects, property managers, and other stakeholders and project team members.

reliable results.

Never content to simply get it done, we consistently strive to do it smarter and faster—and maximize both the short- and long-term benefits for clients, partners and end-users.


Learn about our Net Zero Approach