A Better Future...
One Building
at a Time.
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Energy Modeling Services

At SBP, our goal is to help the owner make highly informed investment-grade decisions regarding building systems and to help facilitate the integrated design approach. We use comprehensive energy modeling to help evaluate architectural concepts, HVAC, lighting, and controls alternatives, and will recommend measures to meet or exceed your performance goals without compromising quality. A successful project is one in which the design team is able to understand the energy impacts of design and operational decisions in the larger context of the project’s ultimate intent, resulting in better-informed and more effective decisions.  SBP has extensive experience in providing timely and comprehensive whole building energy simulations in support of:

  • LEED Energy & Atmosphere Credits
  • EPAct Commercial Tax Deductions
  • DOE Title 10 Federal Energy Compliance
  • Building life cycle analysis
  • Measurement & verification
  • 3rd party peer review of models
  • Utility incentive and rebate programs
  • Energy code compliance for building permit
  • IgCC 2012 | ASHRAE 189.1


SBP can assist your project team through the building code permit process by reviewing project documents for compliance with jurisdictional green and energy code requirements.  Our team has extensive knowledge of the requirements within many codes and standards and will guide your team through the process from design development through to permit issuance. SBP has experience working with teams to help facilitate compliance with local jurisidiction documentation requirements and permit review comments.

Design Review / Permit Support

  • Recommend code compliance path based on a holistic and interdisciplinary review of the project type, elements, and systems
  • Review drawings and provide detailed guidance to comply with energy code requirements
  • Prepare Energy Verification Sheet (EVS) for projects in the District
  • Document project performance prescriptively using COMCheck (HVAC, Lighting, Envelope)
  • Address and prepare responses to code review comments
  • Perform whole building hourly energy simulations
  • Compliance testing with IECC 2012, ASHRAE 90.1 Section 11 Energy Cost Budget (ECB) Method
  • Commissioning services compliant with local energy code requirements

Green Code, Energy Code, Standards…

  • International Green Construction Code (IgCC)
  • International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) – Prescriptive, Total Building Performance (Section C407)
  • ASHRAE 90.1-2007, 2010, 2013… – Prescriptive, Envelope Trade-Off Options, Section 11, Appendix G (DCRA)
  • ASHRAE Standard 189.1
  • National Green Building Standard