Staying Ahead
of the Curve

ENERGY STAR Consulting Services

ENERGY STAR benchmarking is a way to evaluate the energy performance and carbon footprint of your facility relative to like facilities nationwide.  The EPA has developed a simple scale from 1- 100, with a score of 50 being the national average.  ENERGY STAR is becoming the preferred metric utilized by property managers to evaluate real building performance as well as a tool for asset and portfolio management.  For more information about the ENERGY STAR program please visit

As an ENERGY STAR Partner, SBP provides ENERGY STAR consulting services to navigate the facility benchmarking process and certification.  For those facilities struggling to achieve an ENERGY STAR certification we can help evaluate the ENERGY STAR impact of current capital projects, identify opportunities to improve your asset’s score and reduce your carbon footprint.

SBP believes continually improving the way we manage our resource use and utility expenditures is good business.  Likewise it is imperative we combat the negative environmental impacts related to excessive energy usage and preserve our natural resources for all future generations.  We are proud to offer services that can assist businesses who have committed to these goals and welcome the opportunity of working with you!

Resources: ENERGY STAR | U.S. Green Building Council