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Internships At Sustainable Building Partners

job description

Sustainable Building Partners is seeking interns to assist our sustainabilitybuilding performance and commissioning departments.  The intern will gain experience working on a variety of different projects in sustainable building with their team.  The ideal candidate will be a self-motivated and versatile individual who is able to adapt to and manage a very dynamic position.


The following includes an outline of your responsibilities (subject to change) under this internship along with a rough-order magnitude (RoM) estimate of time.

  • 70% – Project-based tasks, site-visits, and direct shadowing
  • 10% – Education and general technical research
  • 10% – Cataloguing, organization, and other administrative exercises
  • 10% – Research, marketing, and other business development exercises

requirements and/or desirable experience

  • Pursuing a degree, minor, or concentration in sustainability studies, architecture, engineering, construction management, building sciences, environmental sciences, or other relevant field of study
  • Strong passion for sustainability and energy efficiency
  • The ability to work in a fast-paced, dynamic environment
  • Excellent communication skills


If you’re interested in the SBP Internship Experience please contact us and provide the following:

  • Resume
  • One (1) professional or character reference
  • Thoughtful responses to the following questions:
    • Why are you interested in this Internship?
    • How is your current field of study relevant to what we do at SBP?
    • What are you passionate about – professionally or personally?



Alison Snider | Sustainable Programs Team Member Since 2021

“Interning with SBP was an amazing way to dive into the industry and pick up tons of valuable insights. Between my junior and senior years at the University of Maryland, I joined the Sustainable Programs (SP) team and felt welcomed right away. Collaborating with various team members on different projects was an invaluable experience. I attended project meetings, visited construction sites, met clients, and even helped develop a resiliency assessment report. The whole experience was so inspiring, and it made me thrilled to join SBP as a full-time employee after graduating.”


Mike Boggs | Building Performance Team Member Since 2018 

“During my time as an intern with SBP, I worked with the Building Performance team to create energy models for new and renovated building projects and was introduced to projects headed by the LEED and Commissioning teams.  I was unfamiliar with energy modeling and sustainability before interning at SBP, but the time spent learning about and working in the energy sustainability field showed me that it was both interesting and rewarding.  During my time as an intern, I developed an interest in green energy and I knew that I wanted to continue working in sustainability with SBP.”


Hailey Madara | Marketing Analyst Since 2024

“My time as a Marketing Intern at SBP during the summer before my senior year was an incredibly enriching experience. The opportunity to collaborate with diverse teams across the company was instrumental in deepening my understanding of sustainability in the built environment. I am immensely grateful for the guidance and opportunities provided, which led to my transition to a full-time role as a Marketing Analyst in March 2024. Being a part of such an innovative and dedicated team is truly inspiring. “