SBP provides comprehensive whole building measurement & verification services closing out the full circle effort of evaluate, design, build, and manage. M&V is a critical step in ensuring that high performance buildings are actually performing at a high level. SBP will work with property owners, engineers, and building managers to evaluate post-construction and post-occupancy performance; identifying any limiting factors in performances, confirming anticipated savings are being realized and if not what the limiting factors are and how we can collectively achieve realized and sustained energy savings going forward.
SBP will work with project teams to create a tailored M&V Plan based on the specific building type, property management plan, and performance expectations. SBP will follow ASHRAE Guideline 14 and the International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPMVP) Option D: Calibrated Simulation. SBP will take the model created during the design assist process used to inform good decisions, coupled with strategic sub-metering and calibrate it to actual building energy consumption.